STAT-HI: A Socio-Technical Assessment Tool for Health Informatics Implementations

Philip J Scott*, James S Briggs
Centre for Healthcare Modelling and Informatics, University of Portsmouth, UK

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Centre for Healthcare Modelling and Informatics, School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, Lion Terrace, Portsmouth PO1 3HE, UK; Tel: +44 23 9284 6378; Fax: +44 23 9284 6364; E-mail:


This paper proposes a socio-technical assessment tool (STAT-HI) for health informatics implementations. We explore why even projects allegedly using sound methodologies repeatedly fail to give adequate attention to socio-technical issues, and we present an initial draft of a structured assessment tool for health informatics implementation that encapsulates socio-technical good practice. Further work is proposed to enrich and validate the proposed instrument. This proposal was presented for discussion at a meeting of the UK Faculty of Health Informatics in December 2009.

Keywords: Socio-technical, checklist, project management, programme management, hospital information system, complex systems.