The Disparity Information and Communication Technology for Developing Countries has in the Delivery of Healthcare Information

Prajesh N Chhanabhai*, Alec Holt
Health Informatics, Department of Information Science, University of Otago, New Zealand

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Health Informatics, Department of Information Science, University of Otago, New Zealand; Tel: +64-3-4798316; Fax: +64-3-479-8311; E-mail:


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have merged into the world of healthcare slowly but surely. However, the marriage between the use of technology and its full impact in the health sector has not been fully realised. The focus of this paper is to highlight the impact of ICT on revolutionising access to healthcare information and thus quality of health for populations of the developing world. This paper highlights on the importance of being able to access health information and how traditional media methods have been utilised to allow this within a developing country setting, highlighting the clear digital divide. The paper then addresses the impact of convergent communication technologies and mobile technologies in providing a means of addressing existing healthcare problems within a developing country setting.

Keywords: Digital divide, developing countries, convergent communication.