Evaluation of Effective Dashboards: Key Concepts and Criteria

Mahtab Karami1, Mostafa Langarizadeh2, *, Mansoor Fatehi3
1 Health Information Management Research Center (HIMRC), Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan Province Kashan, Iran.
2 Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran Province, Tehran, Iran
3 Medical Imaging Informatics Research and Education Center, Tehran, Iran

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© 2017 Karami et al.

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The aim of this study is to offer appropriate criteria to evaluate effective dashboards for healthcare organizations.


In a Delphi study, a team of information technology consultants were asked to determine a set of user interface requirements for evaluating, building or selecting the dashboard. In the first round, a list of main features or criteria to be used was determined based on the panel’s rating,.


In this study, it was revealed that a set of key criteria for evaluating the dashboards can be used for all types of dashboards. These criteria were classified into 7 main categories including user customization, knowledge discovery, security, information delivery, alerting, visual design, and integration and system connectivity.


Choosing good criteria for selecting effective dashboards for healthcare organizations is very critical because these organizations follow a data-intensive and technology-driven environment. This study revealed the importance of key criteria which can guarantee development of an evaluation checklist.

Keywords: Dashboard, Visualization, Criteria, Healthcare, Concepts, Evaluation.