E-Healthcare at an Experimental Welfare Techno House in Japan

Toshiyo Tamura*, 1, Atsushi Kawarada2, Masayuki Nambu3, Akira Tsukada4, Kazuo Sasaki4, Ken-Ichi Yamakoshi5
1 Chiba University, Japan
2 Hiroshima Prefectural University, Japan
3 Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan
4 Toyama University, Japan
5 Kanazawa University, Japan

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An automated monitoring system for home health care has been designed for an experimental house in Japan called the Welfare Techno House (WTH). Automated electrocardiogram (ECG) measurements can be taken while in bed, in the bathtub, and on the toilet, without the subject’s awareness, and without using body surface electrodes. In order to evaluate this automated health monitoring system, overnight measurements were performed to monitor health status during the daily lives of both young and elderly subjects.

Keywords: Smart house, automatic health care system.